Wednesday, 27 January 2016

AJIN EP.2 + Spoilers

Here I’m going to write about each episode of this anime 'Ajin' and here you can watch the opening. First of all it is just my opinion on this, that I want to share with all of you. Also i'd like to mention that i haven't read the manga or anything, this is the first time i'm seeing it, EVER.

The animation is still bugging me a bit, but now it starts to look like RWBY. Don't get me wrong, it has more detail and not such sketchy drawing style, but sill. 
So now it seams that AJIN have their own government department. It seams like Kai doesn't really grasp the situation, yes they might be friends but risking your life and maybe going to jail for that, seems a bit much... So it looks like the AJIN is not only him but some creature that he can control with his mind, but the creature sure looks bad-ass. Oh yea AJIN are totally safe for sure... 
A good episode got kind of hooked and now I can't wait for the third EP.
P.S. i really hope the ending doesn't show what will happen to Kei through out the series.

AJIN EP.1 + Spoilers

Here I’m going to write about each episode of this anime 'Ajin' and here you can watch the TRAILER. First of all it is just my opinion on this, that I want to share with all of you. Also i'd like to mention that i haven't read the manga or anything, this is the first time i'm seeing it, EVER.

In the beginning I didn't know what to expect but most definitely I wasn’t expecting to see some messenger of god killing African kids and the guy is immortal, first question 'What kind of an anime did I get myself into?'. Then 17 years just pass like it's no big deal and we get to see KAI ( I didn't notice the 3D in the first scene it looked good, but as soon as the OP ended it was clear to see that something is just not right...)
Now I don't want to talk about every moment of the episode, but just to get something off my mind.

  • So Ajin is like a military project?
  • How come everybody hates them?
  • How do they get them? supernatural powers? Genes? 
  • How does his Mother feel that he won't be a Doctor?

Music: it was good especially in the action scenes, sort of brought everything together just like music should.
Animation: 3D makes it look weird in just normal scenes, but it does look better in the action scenes.
Plot: it took it's time but after the first EP I’m really interested to see what happens now.

What did you think? Do let me know in the comments ^^
Take care and keep watching,